Sunday, July 8, 2012

Your Enemy in the Digital Age...

So I ordered pizza tonight, and I was really excited to sit on my bed, watch a movie, and get fat.  That is usually how I spend my Sunday night.  Actually - it is how I spend all my nights, but I digress.  I recorded Titanic awhile ago, and yes, I own it on DVD, Special Edition DVD, Widescreen Special Edition VHS, and Full Screen Special Edition VHS.  However, I always like to record it while it is on.  It gives me something to do for over 3 hours, and I don't have to stop eating to hit play on my DVR (whereas going to the living room, getting the movie, and putting it in would be way too much exercise).

So I am getting into the movie, realizing for the hundredth time that the acting really is quite bad, but still enjoying my guilty pleasure, when all of a sudden my screen starts to pixelate.  Then I lose the sound, and my screen turns black.  The entire movie was completely ruined.  So, I had to delete the movie off of my DVR, which I couldn't do, because my entire DVR box froze the minute I tried.  And this was all thanks to Cox Communications.

I have had Cox Communications for a really long time and haven't really had problems with their service until recently.  Ever since I switched to an HD DVR box, it has been complete and total hell.  I know many of you have Cox, but I am sure a lot of you do not.  Their service areas are as spotty as their customer service skills.  The problems with them started when I first got my HD television.  I immediately called them to get an HD DVR box.  Seems simple enough, right?  Wrong.  They came out, gave me the box, and left.  No component cables, no HDMI cable, not even batteries for the damn remote.  Fine, no problem.  I bought them myself.  Ever since that day, the pixelation and sound distortion started.  I have called numerous times complaining about it, and I always get the same response: "Really?  Nobody else has reported this problem..."  Are you kidding me?  I can name ten people off the top of my head who have this problem and who have called in.  I can also point you to a website that does nothing but complain about Cox and the problems you claim to not know about.  Further, I have called about this problem many, many times.  So, clearly, it has been reported!  The lady I spoke to said she would reboot my cable signal.  That worked for about 10 seconds.  So, I called back, even more mad than before.
After talking to an automated robot (because, you know, they are SO helpful in calming down someone who is incredibly irritated and pissed off), I screamed for a representative.  To which, the automated robot said something about "billing and payment menu."  Apparently my loud, high-pitched hissy fit sounded like I wanted to pay my bill.  After speaking calmly, and talking down to the robot like she was stupid, I finally got a hold of someone.  He said he would send out a technician.  To make an incredibly long (like 2-years long) story short, I have now had 3 technicians come to the house, claiming nothing is wrong.  I have also received a new DVR box which is worse than the first one.  I still have horrible pixelation and sound distortion, yet I am paying well over $180 a month.

I think my biggest gripe about Cox, aside from the crap customer service, is their incessant need not to produce quality products or deliver quality television service.  Why go into business providing so many promises but absolutely no actions?  I know why - it is because of the lack of options out there.  They know they are the biggest, so they think they are the best.  And with that mentality, they could care less about the service they provide.  Why have a great television with all of these amazing bells and whistles if I can't even enjoy a simple HD movie on an HD channel from my cable provider?  Why do I waste my hard-earned, or even my not so hard-earned, money on a company who could give two shits about the quality of their service?  Do any of my Vegas people have similar issues?  If so, can you point me in another direction for a better company?  I have as much dislike for Cox as I do for Kanye West (that will be my next blog, folks).

If I don't switch, quick, I am going to end up taking my DVR box back to Cox and using it as a soapbox while I gather the masses and preach on about the hazards of choosing Cox for their phone, Internet, and TV service!  I will preach on, my brothers and sisters, about the pointlessness of speaking to a robot on the phone to fix my issues!  I will preach on, ladies and gentlemen about the anguish I feel in my heart because I can't watch a 15-year-old movie on my DVR because I am too lazy to walk to the living room!  Can I get an AMEN?!

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