There is nothing I hate more than discussing politics with people. Why? Because I find so little people intelligent enough to hold a rational conversation where all views are respected and considered. If you are against something, you are automatically considered to be a liberal. If you hate taxes, you are automatically conservative. Name calling and disrespectful comments turn politics into a migraine headache. The purpose of my blog today is to explain my thoughts and feelings on politics.
Today I was told that I was un-American. In a nutshell, I was called this because I made a mention that a group on Facebook twisted opinions into unrealistic facts. I had a problem with it, so I made a comment. Man, did I get attacked for that! I was called a "liberal" and "un-American" because I chose to stand up for something that I felt was wrong. I am sorry, but if you call your Facebook fan page one thing and talk about something completely unrelated just to start fights and fuel unnecessary name-calling, your page loses credibility and respect. Hiding behind being American, and then posting your negative, uneducated opinions and comments on what you think our president is doing, clearly pushes your own agenda and is not respectful to the amount of diverse opinions and beliefs in this country.
First of all, I do not consider myself to be liberal. Sure, I do have liberal views on some issues, but I also hold very conservative issues on others. Although this is my blog, I do not feel the need to express those liberal and conservative issues. My beliefs are my beliefs, and although I can be vocal on certain aspects, and I may have not always been respectful of other opinions, I have since changed my views and feel that everyone is entitled to their opinion, whether or not I agree with it. However, progress is seriously inhibited when petty disagreements (based on uneducated opinions and not facts) are constantly thrown in everyone's face.
Our goal as Americans should be to unite as a people and make our country the best. How is this ever going to happen when all we do is tear people down whenever someone has an opinion they do not agree with? What ever happened to having a diplomatic conversation? What ever happened to acceptance and tolerance for the greater good? Whatever happened to thinking about other people, instead of thinking that the government/country owes you something? People in this day and age are more worried about complaining about something they do not agree with (or understand), rather than seeing the positive benefits of that same thing helping millions of other people. We no longer seem to be the United States. We are not united anymore. People are too worried about themselves to see the positive for anyone else.
I am not saying that people should not voice their concerns or their opinions. I am very opposed to that, because when opinions are not voiced - progress isn't made either. But there should be a correct, educated way to voice opinions and concerns. Hate-filled speech, ridiculous name-calling, and twisting facts is not the way to voice an opinion. Also, hiding behind religion to fuel hate, anger, and fear towards a person or group of people is not right either. People need to be responsible for themselves and stop using religion to further their own agendas. Your interpretation of what your religion says about other people should not necessitate that laws should be made to prohibit something. We are supposed to live in a country where there is a separation of church and state, yet religion and religious beliefs are behind so many people's hate towards other people. That hate does nothing but spawn nasty politicians and fuel laws that trample on someone's right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. But, it is alright because your religion says it is OK?
People are always going to take issue with who runs our country. It is easier to make that person a scapegoat rather than listen to what this person has to say and think about how this person is trying to make our country better for everyone. If you don't like what our elected leaders are doing, instead of complaining, run for president! Not that easy? Of course it isn't - neither is being president.
I think that I have been very diplomatic in my blog, up until now. My thoughts are this, and I feel that the solution to the problem of people who do nothing but complain about our president, our country, or our people is simply this: If you don't like it, then get the hell out.
I am not looking to start a debate among my friends or my viewers, rather I am trying to explain my stance on politics. I am not bashing any sides, nor am I bashing religion, as I respect the fact that everyone has their own views. If you do choose to comment, I ask that you be respectful with your replies, as I will not tolerate personal attacks regarding my views. And please, always remember, be educated about any topic before you criticize or approve of it.
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