Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Reason I Loathe Kanye West and John Mayer

It is no secret that the thought of John Mayer and Kanye West makes me sick to my stomach.  These two individuals glorify everything that I can't stand about people.  One thinks it is okay to walk around in a green onesie and the other thinks that carving designs in his hair is still trendy.  Both of these people are arrogant and have little to no regard or respect for other people.

Yeah - I will never understand those glasses...
My hatred for Kanye West started long before his run-in with Taylor Swift, although that did cement my extreme dislike for his egotistical antics.  He hypes himself up way too much, yet doesn't deliver on it.  He is also a cry baby.  Who throws tantrums when they don't get their own way, aside from a child?  Exactly.  No self-respecting person does that.  Act your age and grow the hell up!  I have never, in my life, come across someone who has such an undeserving respect for himself than Kanye West does.  In his effort to climb to the top and be the best, he steps on everyone else around him.  He has absolutely no respect for other people.  It is either Kanye's way, or no way.  But, in all seriousness, the reason why I dislike him the most is because, in my opinion, he has zero talent.  I don't have much talent either.  But then again, I don't rap and think I am the most amazing person either, do I?

He also made a comment that he thinks the Bible should be revised because he believes he should be a character in it.  He says, "I bring up historical subjects in a way that makes kids want to learn about them. I'm an inspirational speaker."  He also comments, "I changed the sound of music more than one time... For all those reasons, I'd be a part of the Bible. I'm definitely in the history books already."  I mean, seriously?!  Are you freaking kidding me?  You are a rapper.  Explain to me, please, how you are considered to be a motivational speaker.  I mean, do you even understand what you say when you speak and how utterly ridiculous and asinine you sound?  And I would love to see what history book you are in.  You don't make history, my dear Kanye, you make music.  Bad music.
Kanye - showing that immaturity, disrespect, and
shitting on a teenager's success makes him awesome.

The Taylor Swift incident was by far the icing on the cake.  I don't even like Taylor Swift, and I agree that she shouldn't have won the award, but what nerve does he have for going up on stage and doing what he did?  I mean, you know that you screwed up when everyone is embarrassed for you.  And then, on top of that, his apology wasn't even legitimate.  It was forced.  People don't do things like that and then meaningfully apologize.  No, he was trying to save his reputation, which, by that point, had no chance of going back up (not like it was that high to begin with...).  He disgusts me.  Arrogance is a turn off, especially when someone has no reason to be arrogant.  You are done, Kanye.  If you want to be popular by stepping on the throats of everyone else, turn to politics.

Now let's talk about John Mayer.  If it is even possible, I despise him even more than Kanye West.  This is another individual who exudes arrogance.  His songs are lyrical nightmares.  I mean, take any song that he has ever done and read the lyrics.  Who comes up with this garbage?  His music and his personality do not mesh, as anyone might notice if they have ever listened to or read an interview with him.  He is the biggest douche bag when it comes to interviews.  You want to be famous?  Fine.  You think you have talent?  Fine.  Give a decent interview where you don't show your disdain for having to appeal to your fans.  You want a huge fan base, but you want to do nothing in order to earn it.  If you don't believe me, look at some of the shit that he has said: "My two biggest hits are 'Your Body Is a Wonderland' and 'Daughters.' If you think those songs are pandering, then you'll think I'm a douche bag. It's like I come on very strong. I am a very…I'm just very. V-E-R-Y. And if you can't handle very, then I'm a douche bag. But I think the world needs a little very. That's why black people love me."  Um...what does that even mean?  You are so wrapped up in yourself and how great you truly believe you are, that you don't make a damn lick of sense.  Even the interviewer had no freaking clue what he was talking about.  Are you on meth?

It get's better: "When I watch porn, if it’s not hot enough, I’ll make up backstories in my mind. My biggest dream is to write pornography."  I think this would be an absolutely perfect job for him.  Write porn, that way you won't write songs anymore.

Lastly, the worst thing I have ever read, "Life is like a box of crayons. Most people are the 8-color boxes, but what you're really looking for are the 64-color boxes with the sharpeners on the back. I fancy myself to be a 64-color box, though I've got a few missing. It's ok though, because I've got some more vibrant colors like periwinkle at my disposal. I have a bit of a problem though in that I can only meet the 8-color boxes. Does anyone else have that problem? I mean there are so many different colors of life, of feeling, of articulation... so when I meet someone who's an 8-color type... I'm like, 'hey girl, magenta!' and she's like, 'oh, you mean purple!' and she goes off on her purple thing, and I'm like, 'no - I want magenta!'"  The dude is clearly stoned or drunk.  All the time.  What incoherent babble!  I had to read this three times, and I still have no clue what the f**k he is talking about!

Arrogance is one of my biggest pet peeves, especially when people have no reason to feel that they are so great.  Not one thing that either Kanye West or John Mayer has ever done explains why they think that they are the best at anything.  Neither one of them go out of their way to help people in need, or do anything that truly makes them great people.  No.  They sing/rap.  They write bad music.  They embarrass themselves every single time they open their mouths.  What role models!


  1. I agree that both are arrogant but I think that Mayer is the more authentically douchy of the two. I think that Kanye has just found a niche (being the bad guy) and rap, after all, is all about braggadocio.

    I have to totally disagree, however, with the musical talent side of your argument. I think that Continuum was a very good album and while the Grammys certainly aren't an end-all to these types of arguments, it was nominated for album of the year.

    Kanye, on the other hand, has put together a string of truly great rap albums. College Dropout, Late Registration, and Graduation is a pretty good way to start a career. All three were nominated for album of the year and all three won rap album of the year, not to mention topping a bunch of year-end top ten lists. 808s & Heartbreak was sucky but then he came back with My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy and Watch the Throne, which are both genius. So yeah, I like Kanye. There are plenty of things to knock him for (and his big-headedness is certainly fair game), but I don't talent is one of them.

  2. WOOHOO! Shane, I'm telling you - you & I have the same mind! They're both absolutely unworthy of all they've received! Kuntye DEFINITELY hypes himself up too much and while his music is DECENT, it is not by any means spectaular regardless of what the NARAS says. They make terrible choices every year and lots of the people they choose for Grammy's are in no way relevant to the world. But the "Kanye's way or no way" thing... disagree. That's how he WISHES it was, but fortunately, most people laugh at him while he's still whining on the floor. The history book thing is laughable at best - but that's the problem with black Hollywood these days; they all think they're curing cancer. John Mayer is funny though; I like one of his songs, but mostly I like hearing the stupid shit he comes up with and then I say to all the girls who are swooning - "Do you realize what he just said?" They snap out of it and then are like "OMGWTF?!" Give it time Shane, give it time - eventually they'll be featured on VH1's Where Are They Now? -- ones been shot to death and the other's writing gay porn. <3
