Saturday, June 23, 2012

And So It Begins...

I have never been one for blogs, as I find them to be annoying.  But, since I am creating one, and it is now all about me, I think it is going to be a fun little project.  I don't really know what I am going to post.  Perhaps a hodgepodge of junk, like my Facebook statuses.  I guess we will see.  Many things piss me off in this world, so I am sure I will be ranting continuously about that, so that should be fun.  Hold tight, I will post as often as I can...or as soon as something pisses me off.


  1. This blog better be worth reading. YOu should know that I find Twilight and books by Snooki "worth reading". This means the bar is set very very low if you are looking to entertain me.

  2. So I see. I would not admit that out loud, though. Keep that a secret.
